[What is Enterprise Architecture]什么是企业架构

Posted on Sat 08 December 2007 in it

开始关注公司的信息化建设,一个名词走进了视野--Enterprise Architecture,简称EA,中文叫企业架构。这是一种把组织战略目标映射到IT总体建设的蓝图设计,是西方发达国家经常采用设计方法。由于涉及到方法论层面,开始慢慢学习,逐步实践吧。





A formal definition of the structure of an enterprise comes from the MIT Center for Information Systems Research:

Enterprise Architecture is the organizing logic for business processes and IT infrastructure reflecting the integration and standardization requirements of the firm’s operating model.[1]

//概念二:EA是关于企业的完整概念;一个整合各方力量的主要计划:1. 商业计划方面,例如目标、远景、策略和管理制度;2. 业务运营方面,例如业务名词、组织结构、流程和数据;3. 系统自动化方面,例如信息系统和数据库;4. 技术和基础设施的可行性方面,例如系统硬件、操作系统和网络等。

Another comprehensive definition of enterprise architecture is provided by the IFEAD (Institute for Enterprise Architecture Developments) as:

Enterprise Architecture is a complete expression of the enterprise; a master plan which “acts as a collaboration force” between aspects of business planning such as goals, visions, strategies and governance principles; aspects of business operations such as business terms, organization structures, processes and data; aspects of automation such as information systems and databases; and the enabling technological infrastructure of the business such as computers, operating systems and networks.[2]


无论我们是否去明确的描述,EA都是客观存在的,当我们关注现有系统中的EA,这听起来很合理。事实上,对企业架构的实践已经逐渐浮现出来了--在系统架构中抽象企业架构,从业者被称作"enterprise architects."



除了企业架构(Enterprise Architecture),还有部门架构(Segment Architecture)/业务流程重建(Business Process Reengineering) 以及解决方案架构(Solution architectures)。

Activities such as software architecture, network architecture, database architecture may be seen as partial contributions to a solution architecture.



  1. Business:
    1. Strategy maps, goals, corporate policies, Operating Model
    2. Functional decompositions (e.g. IDEF0, SADT), capabilities and organizational models
    3. Business processes
    4. Organization cycles, periods and timing
    5. Suppliers of hardware, software, and services
  2. Information:
    1. Metadata - data that describes your enterprise data elements
    2. Data models: conceptual, logical, and physical
  3. Applications:
    1. Application software inventories and diagrams
    2. Interfaces between applications - that is: events, messages and data flows
    3. Intranet, Extranet, Internet, eCommerce, EDI links with parties within and outside of the organization
  4. Technology:
    1. Hardware, platforms, and hosting: servers, and where they are kept
    2. Local and wide area networks, Internet connectivity diagrams
    3. Operating System
    4. Infrastructure software: Application servers, DBMS
    5. Programming Languages, etc..





John Zachman是公认的企业架构领域的理论开拓者,现有的企业架构框架大都由Zachman框架派生而来。

Zachman框架起源于John Zachman1987年发表的题为“信息系统开发框架”(A Framework for Information Systems Development)的学术论文,文中阐述了在信息系统开发工作中对软件体系结构的看法:系统开发是由具有不同关注视点的若干层面人员共同完成的,这与认识到系统开发是由不同阶段完成的同等重要;在系统开发中,考察对象不应仅限于数据和功能,还应包括地点。Zachman给出了一个矩阵,将关注视点放在 列上,角色层面放在行上。




1999年,美国政府组建美国联邦CIO委员会,发布了联邦企业架构框架(FEAFFederal Enterprise Architecture Framework),此后美国政府机构也相继基于FEAF发布了各自的部门级企业架构框架。这是企业架构在政府领域的首次应用,带动了企业架构在西方发达国家政府的大范围推广。

2001年,美国联邦CIO委员会发布《FEAF实践指南》(A Practical Guide to FEA)。之后,又发布了由绩效参考模型(PRM)、业务参考模型(BRM)、服务参考模型(SRM)、技术参考模型(TRM)、数据参考模型(DRM)等五个参考模型。
